torsdag 30. juli 2009

Easy salad to make. No bad stuff.
Keeps you healthy in mind and body ;)

Rocket salad
Roasted Pine nuts
1 Peach
1/2 Buffalo Mozarella

+ i added some sundried tomato.
Have been pretty good at avoiding the food i should avoid. Using soya milk for my coffee again, and its rather good. Al-Pro is best so far (without sugar). Last evening I had some cake and I was sneezing when i woke up. Wanna stay away from it!!!. Just felt craving, but I know they will go soon. Our 1 year old son had birthday a few days a go. We try and avoid sugar in his food. We made a cake that had pieces of bread with banana underneath, loads of wipped cream and fresh strawberry jam on top. He ate, smudged and had a fun time, without sugar ;) We had 30 friends here. AMAZIN! xp

torsdag 23. juli 2009

Just had pasta with homemade pasta sauce. Remembered that my nutritionist said that it was ok to have pasta (it contains wheat) once a week. The problem was when I overdid it. So once a week it is. Added some Buffalo Mozarella on top. Have to make sure its Buffalo, because all the others are made of cows milk. Ciao xp
This is also interesting, regarding additives.

Allergic rhinitis, commonly called hay fever, is an allergy characterized by sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose and a burning sensation of the palate and throat. Hay fever is usually caused by allergies to airborne substances such as dust, moulds, pollens, animal fur and feathers.
It is often aggravated by a food allergy, the most common being an allergy to milk.
Just realized that it might be due to the cheap rapeseed oil I made the popcorn with. I have always used good olive oil before and had no problems. Had a look at the bottle and it says that " IT MIGHT CONTAIN TRACES OF PEANUTS". Will confirm this later. This is very interesting.
Had 5 zips of red wine last night and started sneezing within 5 minutes. I knew that i would react to it. But i still wanted to celebrate my sons 1 year birthday. Red wine has lot of sugar and yeast. So no surprise. Next time i just have some juice. ;) Had home made popcorn in the evening and woke up with blocked nose and serious sneezing. No more of that either. Today I feel good and i am keeping up with my mission to stay allergy free.

onsdag 22. juli 2009

Just found this

Moderate amounts of candida (and other yeast) live in every one of us without causing any harm, but when given free rein to grow unchecked, e.g. by wiping out the surrounding bacteria with broad-spectrum antibiotics, candida can change into its fungal form and spore through the intestinal wall into the rest of the body. Once through, it rampages around the body producing a multitude of symptoms.

Common symptoms of Candida
A minority of suffers have numerous symptoms; the vast majority have thrush + a few others; not every sufferer has thrush.

Group 1
The damage to the intestinal wall allows undesirable toxins to permeate into the bloodstream. This condition called ‘leaky gut syndrome’ often leads to:

food allergies and intolerances
foggy brain
muscle aches

Group 2
Once through to the rest of the body, candida has the ability to disrupt the endocrine system causing symptoms such as:

menstrual irregularities
joint pains
fungal infections of the nails/skin e.g. athlete’s foot
weight gain or weight loss
ear infections
chronic tiredness
sensitivity to perfume, tobacco smoke and petrol

Group 3
Symptoms in the intestines include:

diarrhoea and/or constipation
In addition, candida involvement has been implicated in some cases of other illnesses e.g. ME/CFS, Endometriosis.

Contributory factors

The popular perception is that candida is the consequence of antibiotics usage.The medical profession dismisses this as fantasy, saying that antibiotics could not have that effect in a healthy individual. But it may be that antibiotics act as the ‘final straw’ where health has already been compromised, most probably by one or more of the following:

use of the contraceptive pill or HRT
use of natural progesterone cream
use of other steroids (hydrocortisone, prednisolone etc.)
use of immuno-suppressive drugs
repeated use of broad-spectrum antibiotics e.g. for acne
dental mercury amalgam poisoning
other heavy metal poisoning e.g. lead, cadmium
chemical poisoning from the home, garden, workplace etc.
hormonal changes e.g. puberty, pregnancy, menopause

Startet på min "ikke sukker, ikke hvete, ingen gjær, ingen melk" diett 4 dager siden. Jeg føler meg nesten 100% bra igjen! 

Etter graviditet og hektisk hverdag, jeg endelig klart å ta meg sammen. Jeg har vært lidelse en nesepolyp på høyre side og allergiske symptomer, blokkert nese, nysing, kløe, siden sønnen min ble født 1 år siden. Jeg kunne ikke puste. Jeg antar at dette skyldes Candida, siden jeg hadde dette problemet før svangerskapet. 
(Jeg begynte å spise sukker igjen i løpet av svangerskapet og under amming ;( ) 

Før graviditeten hadde jeg hadde menssmerte og legen min oppdaget endometriosis. De ønsket å operere, men jeg ville prøve en endring i kostholdet først. Min fantastiske ernaeringsfysiolog hjalp meg å endre kostholdet og jeg så ble jeg gravid kort tid etter. (vil bare understreke at jeg ikke har noen problemer med å bli gravid som andre kvinner har hatt med endometriosis) Når jeg begynte å fortelle venner om endometriosis, innser jeg det er litt av en epidemi for jenter i 30årene. 

Jeg har nå så mye laerdom om dette og matintoleranse, Candida, allergi, og vil gjerne høre hva andre mener.

Flere mennesker bør vite at de kan føle seg vel med endring av kosthold, snarere enn å ta den medisinen som legene skriver ut. 

Jeg føler at legene en veldig bra på kortsiktige problemer. Men jeg sverger til homeopati når det gjelder min langsiktige helse.


Started on my "no sugar, no wheat, no yeast, no milk" diet 4 days ago. 
I feel almost 100% well again!!

After pregnancy and hectic day-to-day, I finally managed to pull myself together. I been suffering a nasal polyp on the right side and allergic symptomes, blocked nose, sneezing, itching, since my son was born 1 year ago. I could not breathe. I assume due to candida since I had this issue pre-pregnancy. 
(I started eating sugar again during pregnancy & breast feeding ;( )

Pre-pregnancy I had bad period pain and doctor detected endometriosis. They wanted to operate but I wanted to try change of diet first. My amazing nutritionist helped me change my diet and I then I got pregnant shortly after. (just want to underline that I did not have any issues with falling pregnant as other women complain of)  After I told people about the endometriosis, I realize its a bit of a epidemic for the 30 something women around the world. I have now so many insights regarding this and the food intolerance, candida, allergy, and would love to hear other peoples stories and comments, and advice people.

More people should know that they can feel well with change of diet, rather than taking the medications that the doctor subscribe. 

I feel that the doctors a really well at short term issues. But i swear to homeopathy when it comes to my long term well being.

kisses P